By Teol. Leonidas Almeida


         After Jesus and his disciples arrived in the town of Bethsaida. Some people brought a blind man and asked Jesus to touch him. He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. Then spit, saliva has the man's eyes, put his hand on him and said: Do you see anything? "The man looked up and said, I see people, they look like trees, but they are walking." "Jesus put his hands again upon his eyes. This time the blind man was healed and stared; then began to see everything very well." Then Jesus sent the man home and ordered:-Do not go back to the village! Mk 8:22-26

This text can lead us to make the following questions: Why did Jesus do a second surgery to complete healing of the blind?, Considering that this healing was gradual. It would have lacked power in the intervention of Jesus? It would have been wavering faith of the blind?

In fact there was no such thing nor another. The power of Jesus was full as healing the blind was completed fully, which now see very well. Nor can we conclude that lacked the blind faith, because from the first act of Jesus over his blindness, he reported that Jesus saw people, but as trees.

So for an understanding of what actually transpired in this singular miracle of Jesus, the end of the text gives us a valuable clue, because Jesus said to the man who went to his house and ordered not to return to the village.

In this case the method of healing adopted by Jesus was so unorthodox, because the patient had been isolated from the crowd, then it was applied saliva and touch the hand of Jesus in the eyes of the blind, as well as all forms of advertising in this case was avoided .

Thus, there was only a miracle that man but two. The first released eyes as the man came to see, albeit diffuse. The second unleashed mind, because from a new perspective, humans began to see clearly when previously saw people like trees.

There are spiritual realities in this world, especially in certain places, which hinder the development of the gospel and the power of God flowing in us, when it is released in our lives, spiritual barriers often prevent us from being truly liberated in our understanding and therefore we need a cure in greater depth, or otherwise we would also confuse men with trees.

The Rev. Paul warns about the need to transform our minds and this happens when we are willing to walk against the tide of this world: "Do not live like people live in this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of mind you. So you know the will of God, ie that which is good, perfect and pleasing to him. " Rom 12.2.

Jesus advised the man not to return to the village, for surely your mind would easily be polluted again. Despite the physical healing experienced by the blind could kick his spiritual state at that time. We also do an analysis of what can be polluting our minds, our review closer friendships more thoroughly and everything along our routine represents an impediment to acting full of the Spirit of God in us.

For this reason, our faith is undermined bringing a series of defeats in our lives because God's word is subtracted from our hearts: "The sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some seeds fell along path, and was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it. Those by the wayside are the ones who hear, but then the devil comes and takes away-heart word, lest they should believe and be saved. " Luke 8.5-12.

As a strategist of war, sometimes we go on retreat, cleanse our mind, through prayer, fasting and meditation on Scripture in order to preserve a battle in which we are not prepared. So we will have a better perception of reality that is in our visual field, can discern why certain images fuzzy start to influence other to the point of not realizing that a physical healing also involves a spiritual liberation.

Thus a distorted perception or diffuse in our visual memory can feed false illusions throughout our lives. So we need to move forward in search of the second ring.

My prayer is "that he which began a good work you will perform it until the day of Christ Jesus, because now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face: now I know in part, but then I shall know fully, as also I am known. "* May the Lord grant him this second ring liberating, healing the soul full eyes. * (Fl 1.6, 1 Cor 1.12)

Listen to this song with Carlos Sider - When people see as God sees.


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